Thursday, June 30, 2022

All Just Dross

Americans do not need to be suffering today. The loss of prosperity is deliberate harm, as is the diminution of freedom. We used to produce quality goods at affordable prices in the United States, but that has been ended by government interference. Regulation, on its face may seem well-intentioned, but if it pushes all domestic production out in favor of slave labor in Red China (and other despotic places), you have done grevious harm to your own people, and you have left yourself dependent on adversaries. Restriction of carbon-based products is cost-raising and economy-destroying lunacy, before you have affordable, widely available replacements. The shut down of so much of the private economy using the pandemic as a rationale broke people financially and likely killed more folks than it saved. Everything America did to address COVID might have caused more damage than letting the virus run its course and having many more millions survive with more durable natural immunity than short-lived vaccines and boosters, that have evidently failed, requiring more of each that will likely need the administration of numerous doses throughout patient's lives and without yet knowing the long-term effects of even the first dose. Every business is essential to the folks it supports. Government should not pick winners and losers in a free country. The USA is not beyond saving, but political leadership must turn on a dime away from their fascist, socialist, and corporate crony agenda to spare the citzenry great and irreversible trauma, beyond even what was suffered during the Great Depression. One quick fix to the "Putin Price Hike" (which is in itself a falsehood), would be to reopen the tap of oil production in America, and drill baby drill, but the Biden cabal will never do that.

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