Monday, September 20, 2021

Witnessing a Horror

I watched the Shia madmen of the Houthi militia slaughter nine likely completely innocent Sunnis. These eight men and one boy had likely not spied for anyone, though if you torture someone enough they will confess to anything. They were murdered, not because of any real crime, but because they were Sunni Muslim. While the "executions" took place the crowd of terrorists chanted in Arabic, "Death to America, death to Israel, death to the Jews", along with (of course) "God is great". These butchers would kill every male member of your family if you do not believe exactly as they do, be you another Muslim, Baha'i, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, agnostic, athiest, Jew, or anything other than a Shia End Time fanatic who would stand alongside them and root for the slaughter of the innocents. Then, they would enslave and rape your women and kill some of them too to keep the others in line. The civilized world including decent Muslims, even Shias who recognize this injustice as blood lust, should obliterate the mullahs that enslave Iran, the Iranian proxy so-called Party of God in Lebanon Hezbollah, and its sinister sister Hezbollah in Iraq along with the Mahdi Army, and these merciless Houthi gangsters.

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