Sunday, September 19, 2021

Politics of Envy

John F Kennedy was a tax-CUTTER. If he was alive today, Kennedy would be considered a supply-sider. Today's DemocRAT Party rejects JFK's ideas in favor of socialism. In fact, Biden and Pelosi have just moved farther than socialism to embrace Marx. The putative leader of the United States and the Speaker of the US House of Representatives are now overtly Communist with their public rhetoric about the failures of capitalism. They are now appealing to the base and childish emotion of jealousy. They want every American to despise his neighbor if his neighbor happens to have greater wealth. I do not care what others are able to earn. All I ask is a fair opportunity to make my own way. Envy drove revolution and civil war in Russia and China and that ultimately led to grief, generations of tyranny, and many millions into early graves. We must banish the foreign notions leading us away from the Providential vision of our Founding Fathers.

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