Friday, September 10, 2021

War on Logic

I am not a doctor or a scientist, but possess at least as much logic as the average Labrador Retriever. If the vaccines are effective, and you have taken your shot(s), why are you concerned if I have taken mine? Are you not protected by your inoculation? If the vaccines are working, why the reimposition of masks? If the masks work, what is the necessity of the vaccine? Why is natural immunity of those who recovered from Covid not even a consideration? If effective early treatment with a combination of drugs, monoclonal antibodies, and zinc greatly reduces mortality, and this has been known for months, why is this treatment denied to so many sufferers? If "horse dewormer" and chloroquine drugs with zinc were demonstrated to help patients early on in the pandemic, why was their use suppressssed and articles even mentioning them censored? Could it be that if a viable treatment had already existed, it would have been much harder to get emergency approval for the so-called "vaccines" that now seem to be losing their effectiveness?

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