Saturday, November 7, 2020

What to Fear

The stolen election has yielded a mis-leader who intends to do the bidding of the Red Chinese and throw the United States into a depression and impose tyranny on America's people. Biden has already started the economic decline ball rolling with his statement last night claiming "the economy is slowing" when clearly Trump's wise management has the US booming again despite the China virus. Old Joe intends to hasten the decline with punitive taxes, crushing regulation, and national lockdowns, like the one in effect in New York that Democrat Governor Cuomo has kept in force in an attempt to harm President Trump by hurting the economy. Biden will be coming for our heretofore legally owned guns and packig the Court to back his play. This Pretender in Chief will crimalize criticism of him and the censorship we now see on social media will have his blessing and be extended to national hate speech codes that silence Americans all over the country. Biden will try to shut down the teaching of Biblical passages that are contrary to the homosexual and transsexual agendas. If we permit this usurpation by theft to stand, we will all suffer.

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