Monday, November 9, 2020

An Unrestrained Radical

Joe Biden and the sinister forces behind him intend to drag America to the Left. They are bent on destroying our energy indepence and sapping our prosperity with their Green New Deal and recommittment to the Paris Climate Accords that will be strictly enforced on the American people while Red China grows their economy exponentially by paying only lip-service to the treaty while not implementing it in any way that would harm their economy. When Joe talks about reshaping the police, he and his cabal are saying criminals will be safer while you and your family are no longer safe. Team Joe will sell out Netanyahu and Israel while embracing Iran. Joe considers the implacable enemy of humanity Red China a friend (and through the Biden family corrupt dealings, a patron). Joe's team cheated and is rushing to make his ill-gotten win a fait accompli. Those who love America or even freedom in the world must not let him.

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