Monday, October 19, 2020

Uniquely Unqualified Candidate

In 2012, only one Republican seeking the nomonation of his party for President had instituted a cumpulsory medical insurance program in his state. That was Mitt Romney in Massachusetts. The GOP made the mistake of nominating the one candidate who could not argue against Obama Care because he had instituted a similar program himself. Consequently, Romney was drubbed in the general election. Similarly, the Democrats have made an error in the current election cycle. They have selected a uniquely corrupt candidate to carry their banner in the Presidential election. Old Joe Biden is on video demanding that Ukraine fire their prosecuter who was closing in on his corrupt dealings conducted through his son Hunter Biden. Biden is a self-enriching dirty politician who has done nothing for America but plenty to feather his own nest in nearly fifty years in office. He belongs in the big house, not the White House.

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