Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Smear Machine

One tool Hillary has in her pocket is a smear machine the likes of which has rarely been seen in American politics. Hillary will employ paid liars and dumber ones who merely volunteer to lie on her behalf. They will mercilessly attack anyone who dares criticize their repugnant candidate. Remember how Ken Starr was besmirched as a "sex pervert" when he was tasked with investigating Hillary's lothario husband. Recall Hillary's persecution fantasy about a "vast right-wing conspiracy" out to get the Clintons. Hillary and/or her surrogates will lambaste anyone who tells the truth about Hillary's horrible performance as US Secretary of State. Hillary Clinton failed in Benghazi. Hillary deliberately obscured her correspondence from oversight and then destroyed the emails that mattered to make sure there was no evidence trail. Clinton was so ineffective as Secretary of State the she did not prevent Russia from transforming back into an enemy. Since Clinton has no laurels to rest her campaign on, she will do what her nature compels her to do. She will smear and lie about her critics and her political rivals.

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