Thursday, April 16, 2015

An Elusive Candidate

Do you know when Hillary Clinton will interact with Americans who are not already her partisans? When will Clinton answer questions from voters or even Republican US Representatives and Senators about Benghazi or vanished emails? When will Clinton be asked about why she coordinated the cover-up of her husband's serial philandering and sexual harassment? When will Hillary be called to account for the re-emergence of Russia as an enemy and threat after she could not even figure out how to say "reset" correctly in Russian? Will Clinton be queried about how the Arab Spring she fostered and encouraged has become a bloodbath? Will anyone try to ascertain why Clinton did not back the revolution that would have mattered most in a Muslim country with Iran's Green Movement that could have freed Iran from the mad mullahs being left to swing in the wind without substantive US backing when Clinton was Secretary of State? Will anyone ask Hillary why she is hardly ever genuine about anything?

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