Saturday, March 29, 2014

An Easy Answer

If you want to see where the so-called "peace process" is headed between the Palestinians and Israel if Obama and Kerry continue to insist on concessions mostly from the Jews, just look to the wholesale slaughter that is Syria, and you will see what happens if Barack Hussein Obama forces the Jewish State back to the borders of 1967 or 1948. Are Palestinians suffering more under Israeli jurisdiction or the tender mercies of Syria's Assad? Is there more prosperity for Palestinians where they run their own affairs in Gaza or in the so-called "occupied territories"? Are Christian Arabs safer in Gaza or Egypt for that matter or in Israel proper? The best course for US foreign policy is not to botch the Middle East up more than Obama already has, but to allow the only Western-style democracy in the Middle East to chart the course they need for their own survival. For the sake of stability and any prospect of eventual peace, Obama should leave well enough alone and stop playing with matches in a tinderbox.

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