Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Death of Reason

If you or your loved one are in a hospital because you are critically ill, unless advanced life support is provided to assist in transporting you or your loved one to another hospital, you or your loved one are essentially a prisoner at the mercy of that hospital. Let us say your treatment team decides it is no longer worth any effort to save you or your loved one or even provide nutrition and hydration to sustain life (as was the case at Vanderbilt Medical Center with my father Seymour Goodman). Rapid death then becomes inevitable. The highest court in Great Britain just said no law constrains UK hospitals from imposing "futile care policy". In the case, doctors said the patient who was essentially executed by a hospital denying that which would provide any chance at life, claimed the patient who was not treated had only a one percent chance of living if the treatment had been provided, but the certain fact remains that he had no chance at life without it. See the culture of death given imprimatur of law here:

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