Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Really Dreadful Prospects

Barack Hussein Obama will not protect Israel. Obama will never take military action to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Barack Obama will try to block Israel in efforts of self-defense including acting to thwart Iran. Barack Obama said in his acceptance speech last night that "a decade of war is over" with more than eighty thousand US troops still engaged on the ground and in danger in Afghanistan. Barack Obama told Russian leadership that he would have more "flexibility" to cut America's missile defense in a moment that he did not realize that his microphone was on back in March of this year, and this reveals that Obama is not serious about maintaining a robust defense for our allies beyond Israel or even the homeland itself. Obama poured fuel on the fire of the Arab Spring by facilitating the fall of America's friend Hosni Mubarak thus unleashing unprecedented instability across the Middle East. Obama does not know how to handle Syria disintegrating or the twin risings of militant Wahhabism which already controlled Saudi Arabia and has now engulfed Egypt with the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood now in control of that country and the growing menace of End Time Twelfth Imam Shia lunacy in Iran but now seeping through Shia portions of Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon with the Hezbollah terror army growing there and threatening terror at Iran's behest worldwide. Obama has not made the world a safer place and now will place the globe in greater peril for four more years.

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