Sunday, September 23, 2012

Marketplace of Ideas

Both Barack Hussein Obama and Mitt Romney have misrepresented who they are and where they really stand. Barack Hussein Obama will not own up to his "Joe the Plumber" take from the rich guiding ethos, even after a 1998 audio tape emerged of him declaring his embrace of "redistribution". Obama really means it but he will never admit this Marxist impulse in the midst of a tight campaign. Mitt Romney is actually pretending to be more to the right than his record proves that he actually is. As Governor of Massachusetts, Romney showed no affinity to the Second Amendment and did nothing to advance gun rights, nor did Romney do a thing to curtail abortion on demand, leading me to question his now proclaimed reverence for life. Of course, Obama remains more dangerous to the Republic, with America much more able to endure a moderate posing as a conservative than a radical statist determined to transform the nation in ways the Founding Fathers would despise.

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