Monday, August 27, 2012

Whale Watching Woes

While Norwegians and Japanese kill whales like there is no tomorrow and the US government does nothing to stop the horror, an American woman may go to prison for feeding whales. According to CBN, Nancy Black, who researches these gigantic mammals and operates tours that educate the public about whales, could face as much as twenty (20) years in prison because she encouraged the whales to approach her boat by securing part of the whales' own kill to the hull. Were the whales harmed by her action? No whales were injured by Nancy Black, no other animals were hurt by Black as the whales were eating an animal they had already killed, and only a power mad administration would try to make a criminal case out of her action. I witnessed a similar over-zealousness with regard to manatees, as state and Federal authorities are determined to impose their will over our own citizens while letting foreigners (far beyond the marine mammal issue) rape the natural world.

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