Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Just Plain Wrong

The GOP is going to honor Texas US Representative and Presidential aspirant Ron Paul at their convention. They should not. Ron Paul is a blame America first, Israel-bashing Jew baiter. If that does not disqualify the cantankerous libertarian who is retiring from Congress, then his remarks saying if he ran things, the September 11 attack would not have happened, should strip him of any tribute. Paul is saying Osama bin Laden had ample justification to assail America. This train of thought is much worse than "legitimate rape" for it blames the victim, the USA, for three thousand deaths and by implication, for all the deaths in the war that has followed. Al Qaeda is a nihilistic Wahhabi menace that despises our very freedoms and would have murdered Americans whether or not our troops were in Saudi Arabia and even if we had no ties to the Jewish State. Just look at the Madrid bombing. Was the Spanish military present on the ground in the Arabian Peninsula? Could anyone say Spain has been particularly friendly with Israel? No, Dr. Paul, in effect you just said a woman was raped because of her provocative dress with your contention that if you had been in charge, the would have been no 9/11.

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