Sunday, September 11, 2011

Came With Guarantee

The clash of civilization versus atavistic nihilism that the United States embarked on September 11, 2001 was not of our own choosing. The war we entered that unforgettable day was not of our making. Sadly, America was at war with radical Islam before that infamous September morning but did not recognize that we were engaged or the even greater threat. After the grim wake-up call on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the field in Pennsylvania where Americans started to fight back as concerted physical resistance to those who would destroy us began in earnest, the United States and her allies set off on the process of subduing or eliminated those who actually planned the attacks. Thousands of our troops, those of our allies, and civilian contractors (who are almost never mentioned) in service of our mission have died, joining the three thousand callously murdered that day and the thousands more who have succumbed to injury or illness that would have never happened had the September 11, 2001 attack not occurred. The tragic guarantee is that the casualties will continue, the carnage will only grow, because jihad and a peaceful West can not coexist. Commemorate our loss, remember the fallen, memorialize our heroes and consecrate their sacrifice by standing together, on guard for freedom.

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