Monday, December 21, 2009

Speed the Plow

The rise of Obama meant freedom was imperiled. I started this blog in October of 2008 because to me this was obvious. Obama admitted in his off the cuff Joe the Plumber moment that he was a classic redistributionist. Central planning and the control economy were coming. I thought the American people still loved liberty enough to shout(but most can not engage in street theater like the left because of jobs and obligations, so only a few were heard at townhalls and tea parties) and GOP office holders, I hoped, would still have the backbone to fight. A few Republicans have resisted, notably South Carolina's Joe Wilson, but far too often when crunch time came, they were mute. They wanted to be collegial as our nation was sold down the river. A few, shamefully, even grabbed their share of the pork Obama was offering. Do you not know Obama would be coming for your guns already if the Fort Hood massacre had been perpetrated by a civilian? Obama could not plausibly claim though that soldiers like the attacker must also always be denied access to guns. Our Congress is for sale, our process is corrupted, and our Constitutional Republic is under siege from within. America is going down with a whimper.

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