Monday, December 14, 2009

Can Our Currency

The Congress of the United States, led by the sneering Harry Reid in the Senate and old stone-face Nancy Pelosi in the House, has just approved a trillion dollar appropriation to keep the Federal government running until September. This amount is in addition to a plan to raise the US debt ceiling that will allow 1.8 trillion dollars to be borrowed from foreign competitors including "implacable friends" like the oil sheiks and Red China. Further leveraging the dollar will give the Pretender in Chief even more money to play with- the boy President who rewards himself with a B+ will have that much greater opportunity to reward the shiftless at the expense of the productive. The inevitable consequence of spending by government as if it is using Monopoly money will be inflation, perhaps even hyperinflation. No nation can thrive by spending beyond her means with fiscal mismanagement and devalued currency.

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