Friday, December 4, 2009

"No Job" Summit

Barack Hussein Obama brought out the breathing props yesterday including "bobble-head" Biden to stage the appearance of concern over the depression level job losses the nation continues to sustain under Obama's mismanagement. The dinosaur media, of course, continues to spin feverishly for Obama as they try to present the "tailored" (read manipulated) figure of 11,000 new jobs lost in November as good news. The President's pronouncements after the theater of the summit continue to demonstrate that he blames the private sector for the situation and will show no faith in traditional free market capitalistic fixes that have worked every time they have ever been tried. Obama, at the least, remains an overt socialist as every program he embraces grows the government at a cost to the private sector. Obama's minions including those in the media will present our national disaster as rosy recovery as we continue to slide into public option "hell care" and "cap and tax" oblivion. Obama has the perfect recipe not for recovery but for one part European, one part Zimbabwean collapse.

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