Monday, November 16, 2009

A Credit Primer

In my last post, I lampooned the presence of self-congratulatory signs emblazoned with the names or readily identifiable symbols associated with certain self-serving politicians who advance their acclaim while squandering our future. If Democrat leaders such as Nashville's former mayor Bill Purcell expect plaudits when they build a park complex, then their successors should accept blame when they close parks and public golf courses as a current Mayor Karl Dean claims due to budgetary constraints, he is now forced to do. If you spend like a drunken sailor, and grab all the gusto for your effort, when the bill comes due as inevitably it must, stand up and pay the piper- accept the responsibility with broad shoulders as readily as you took credit you never deserved. Ex-Mayor Purcell did not invent parks, green ways, or bridges, and we were not relying on ferries, before Bill Purcell (a Democrat) enlightened us. Now his Democrat successor Dean can not simply shrug his shoulders and say we have a lousy economy or my predecessor over-extended us when he closes what was such a pressing necessity for the public good when Purcell was mayor. On a national scale, Obama can print all the devalued currency in the world to pay for his excesses, but what you end up with when the Treasury's presses overheat is Wiemar wheelbarrows and Zimbabwe millionaires. Let's see how the leftist try and claim credit for that.

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