Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Make It Personal

Saul Alinsky, a radical who inspired both Hillary Clinton and Obama, said freeze a target and make it personal. This was seen in the Presidential campaign with Obama mocking McCain, who was tortured by the North Vietnamese to the extent he can not raise his arms above his shoulders, for not even using a computer-not withstanding that it was his war injury in service of the nation that precluded it. North Korea is a tremendous international threat. The regime there has taken a passenger jet down by an on board bomb. The leadership of North Korea has no regard for the welfare of their own people, starving and executing them at will. This is a Stalinist atavism marked by cruelty. This brutality has extended to mowing down wayward fishermen who happily returned to the North after being blown out of territorial waters in a storm and women who returned with food for their starving families after crossing into China. The North routinely engages in gross violations of human rights. So what do North Korean excesses have to do with Alinsky? Aside from the fact that Aliskyites would probably find sympathy for the Stalinist dictator and a way to blame America and the West, the only way to contain North Korea's proliferation ambitions and spreading threats and madness is to follow the Alinsky lead and make it personal. Not personal in a rhetorical sense, but personal in a Uday, Qusay, and Saddam being hunted down personal. The evil, sadistic sons being riddled with bullets personal and Saddam swinging from the rope, personal. Obama had no trouble smearing honorable men and women in his efforts to win elections, but the weakling in the White House would never dare do the one thing that could actually stop North Korea-to let them know that any further aggression on their part won't lead Dear Leader and his close kin to a dock in the Hague but to a disgraced grave.

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