Thursday, May 21, 2009

Begins at Home

America's wealthy luminaries had a confab in New York to decide how to best direct their charitable giving. Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, anti-Semitic nut Ted Turner, and the Oprah were amongst the attendees. I don't care what a person does with money that they have earned. If Oprah wants to open an academy for physical and sexual abuse on Tierra del Fuego, that's her business. But what I don't like is people being able to take advantage of the tax code to "outsource" their charity. With such glaring and sadly ever growing need right here in the streets of America why should Bill and Melinda Gates receive a tax benefit to give mosquito nets to Africa. Plenty of inner city kids or needy in Appalachia could have used the help right here to escape grinding poverty and lack of jobs. Let the rich give what they want but only allow deductions for domestic contributions until all need is met here. Also philanthropic foundations have been so subverted by the left that they are now almost exclusively controlled by liberals and the capitalists who made the great fortunes to begin with to start the foundations must be rolling in their graves. These benefactors could never believe that the legacies they left would now advance a socialist or Marxist agenda. God help the country that doesn't have the sense to take care of her own first.

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