Friday, September 6, 2024

Unbelievably Successful Campaign

The effectiveness of the way Donald Trump has been demonized is unquestionable. The New York Times was even given a Pulitzer Prize for their reportage on Trump's "conspiracy" with the Russians. No such linkage between the former President and Russia ever existed. Trump is still deemed guilty by folks that are book smart and consider themselves well-informed. After all, they read the Gray Lady everyday, and some are so well educated that they actually complete the Times crossword puzzle. I mean, these are the literally brilliant cognoscenti, but they bought the lies meant to smear Trump and his supporters hook, line, and sinker. Then, there are the merely well-informed who garner their news on MSNBC and CNN. They may rarely (if ever) read the so-called newspaper of record in the United States, but they were fed the steady diet of lies about the insurrectionists and their evil cult of personality leader and now they despise their neighbor or former classmate who happens to think Trump is the better option for America than Kamala's Marxism. Then, there are those doing their own research but finding their "facts" on incredibly biased search engines or from social media that has a history since 2016 of spreading anti-Trump propaganda and lies. There are smart and capable people, many in responsible positions who think Trump is a Hitler in the making and his supporters are literal Nazis. After all, the former President did say something about "good people on both sides in Charlottesville" which in reality is more out of context manipulation by those who hate Trump. 

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