Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Thoughts on "Ceasefire"

If Israel is forced to accept a ceasefire without Hamas being effectively destroyed, the Jewish State will be placing an enormous target on their relatively small country. Yes, Israel is being bullied by everybody except the majority of Israelis themselves (who are not suicidal), but most citizens there know that if they quit the fight prior to victory, the surviving members of Hamas, the Palestinian Authority armed factions, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, the Houthis, Assad's Syria, the Shiite militants of Iraq, and of course, the mad mullahs of Iran smelling Jewish blood and baying for more, are all bound to hit Israel with the intention of finishing off the Zionist entity. For Israel (and likely world Jewry) to survive, the IDF must prevail, and any semblance of an organized Hamas must be vanquished. 

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