Wednesday, June 12, 2024

A Terrifying Abdication

I really hoped, even prayed, that Meir Kahane was wrong, and that in America at least, the government would protect Jews. I watched family friend Melba Lapidus murdered in a blast and never having her killer brought to justice. I sadly witnessed the killer of Sammy Schlanger, a Jewish attorney in my hometown of Nashville, never be caught. I thought perhaps that was merely incompetent policing, but now fear that perhaps the authorities just did not care sufficiently about my fellow Jews to really look that hard into their murders. At UCLA last night, I watched the Chabad rabbi threatened with murder right in front of police who refused to make any arrest, saying they were only there for "crowd control". Even in the United States, it seems the authorities who are charged with upholding everyone's rights including the protection of our lives have abandoned their duty to the one most vulnerable minority. Jews are left to fend for ourselves. 

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