Sunday, November 12, 2023

The Deep Bench

Kamala Harris is a giggling buffoon who could not win a single state in a Presidential election. Gavin Newsom is an American Justin Trudeau, an empty-suit pretty boy who might just win, but in that event, would only further harm our country. Michelle Obama is one dangerous individual, a white-hating hypocritical Marxist who enjoys the benefit of questionably earned millions while pretending to be down for the struggle. She hates our Founding and us white folks enough that if granted power, Michelle would finish the America we have always known off in a single term. The best bet of those bad bets for the American People would be Newsom, who is lousy on his best day, and has driven the productive out of California in favor of the border breaking parasites he, the Federal government, and NGOs are paying to be there and giving free healthcare to (read as healthcare that America's taxpayers are being forced to pay for in favor of aliens who have never contributed to the system or nation). Then, the DemocRATS could always steal another term for Biden, who doesn't even know what day it is, and couldn't actually run a convenience store at this point, much less a country. 

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