Saturday, November 4, 2023

Absolute Moral Imbeciles

Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad are still firing rockets, missiles, and mortars into Israel at every opportunity. These projectiles are aimed to murder Jewish civilians and would have murdered many thousands over the years had the IDF not deployed Iron Dome. I read many of what I now must consider former friends on social media wailing and crying for "poor Palestinians". You know the folks that handed out candy to celebrate the massacre of over 1,400 Jews a few weeks back when they ever so briefly held the whip hand. Those nice people who spat on the defiled and desecrated corpses of Jewish young women who were raped to death for the crime of attending a music and peace festival. There are purported to be thirty thousand Hamas gunmen that "rule" Gaza, which the Palestinians themselves characterize as "the most densely populated place of earth". If the Palestinians did not want Hamas representing them, do you not think two million people could have overcome 30,000? Almost no Palestinians denounce the atrocities of Hamas. When do you hear Palestinians condemning the murder of innocents and shouting "not in our name"? To my classmates that now castigate the Jewish State: You should be praising and supporting Israel as your front line ally doing the fighting there against terror to prevent the next September 11 and the violence hitting home to you. If it were your wife or daughter who was raped with such savage ferocity that her pelvic bones were smashed as if she had been ht by a car, would you care if those who cheered her being raped to death and who willingly serve as human shields for the rapists suffer for what they have brought on themselves? 

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