Wednesday, October 18, 2023

New Blood Libel

Jews NEVER used the blood of Gentiles, children nor adults, to bake unleavened bread. Jews did not sacrifice Christian children in rituals. Jews are not bloodthirsty ghouls. It is completely predictable that those who want to slaughter every Jew on earth would blame their own mistake on those they hate the most and use that as a further rationale to murder innocent people. The IDF did NOT deliberately target a Gaza hospital. More than that though, the Jews did not accidentally hit it either. One of the terrorists own rockets fell short of its goal of killing innocent Jewish civilians and took out their own hospital instead. Those who hate Jews so much that they wish to slaughter Jewish babies really needed no excuse to wage their jihad, so they will still, always. and only blame Jews even when the carnage is entirely and solely the responsibility of the Islamo-fascists. 

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