Saturday, January 14, 2023

Types of Families

A well-adjusted normative family should declare "home is where the hearth is".  Too often today, families might be more aptly characterized as "home is where the HARM is". When a parent is a drunk or narcotics user, there is often abuse and almost invariably neglect. When a mother or father (or heaven-forbid, both) play along or even encourage the fad or mental illness of sexual transitioning for minors, perhaps the children would be better off as orphans. When Mom and/or Dad instill race grievance, they are creating anger and perhaps violence and incarceration for their wards (and that is not limited to a particular race). When a kid is catered to by privileged parents, a spoiled youth turns into an entitled adult, who likely never contributes to society. The ideal model is a family that acknowledges and is grateful for the blessings the Lord bestows, is abstemious and self-disciplined, see us all as members of the same race (the one and only human race), and shares the bounty they are granted with others. That home is surely where the hearth and heart is. 

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