Monday, January 9, 2023

Focus on Brazil

When you have a criminal who steals an election become your nation's "leader", it is hard to know how to proceed. If you resist having your country taken over, you are giving the cabal all the excuse it needs to crack down on you and the entire opposition, but if you do not try to block the takeover, you are giving in to having your freedoms taken by a tyrant. Perhaps the only solution is a general strike, but even with this action, expect those seen as leaders of the action to be arrested by the illegitimate government. So unless such a shut down of commerce is spontaneous and from the street up, it might well fail as the organizers are detained. I hate to say it, but very few bloodless revolutions have ever overturned tyranny. I pray this is NOT the case, but maybe the horror of civil war must befall Brazil, so the the people can be free again. 

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