Sunday, October 3, 2021

Next World War

Besides the misnamed "war on terror" which is ongoing and engulfing many places, I would say the next global war will start with Israel, backed into a corner by Biden regime failures, having to attack Iran to preempt the nuclear obliteration of the Jewish State. With the Biden cabal in office, it is much more likely that the US will warn Tehran of any impending action by the IDF than to actually have America help the Jewish State avoid annihilation. If the Jews are permitted by America to forestall the dream of the mad mullahs, all of Shia-dominated countries will attack Tel Aviv and Shiite terrorists will go after Jews and Jewish interests all over the world. It is not so much Israel or even Iran that will spark this conflagration, but Biden's moral cowardice and the weakness Joe is projecting to the world that makes this course of action almost inevitable.

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