Saturday, May 30, 2020

Protests Must Cease

Martial law must be imposed in a number of American cities. Legitimate protests with plenty of good cause started in Minneapolis and Louisville, but were quickly subsumed by outside agitators, largely white and mainly constituted of ANTIFA members and Black Flag anarchists in riots across the country. A handful of Communist Party USA members have joined in the violence as well. This outbreak of urban violence may be spontaneous in some cases, but in others may have been planned in advance. In almost all cases, very few members of local African-American communities have breached the peace, though they have, as would ordinarily be their right, gathered to protest police abuses. Because of the outsiders who have infiltrated the peaceful demonstrations to spark violence, burn, and loot, the forces of government must temporarily suspend the ordinarily protected right of assembly in those areas where riots have or are expected to take place. I do not take lightly suspending any aspect of the US Constitution, but in this exigency, the normally unthinkable must be done. If any event in my lifetime has risen to a national emergency, this one is it.

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