Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Question of Loyalty

Long before the creation of the modern State of Israel, Jew-haters questioned the allegiance of Jews to their native lands. The Dreyfus Affair is a glaring example of how Jews were regarded as "disloyal" and conspiratorial. Bolshevism was often blamed on the Jews though Jews suffered as much as any group under the Communist regime. The Jew is rarely regarded as fully integrated in any country outside of Israel, and all too often considered the "other" to the extent that Jews are blamed for every societal ill. President Trump does not see Jews as foreign or hostile but as family. Trump has done more for the Jewish State than any other Gentile. Trump deserves a great deal of gratitude from Jews who love Zion, but is disappointed that many Jews place their attachment to left-wing causes above all else. Trump's statement about "loyalty" of Jews is different in scope and kind from the accusations of anti-Semites. The anti-Semite is driven by hatred, while President Trump by his actions, clearly demonstrates a deep and abiding love of the Jewish people.

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