Saturday, August 31, 2019
On Hurricane Preparedness
Everyone should take common sense steps to ready themselves in anticipation of a natural disaster. Unfortunately, by the time a hurricane is bearing down on you, it may be too late to take these steps as emergency supplies are almost always sold out when they are needed most. The best way to survive a hurricane is to get out of its way. Yes, you may sustain property damage or even loss, but you are much more likely to escape injury if you move many miles away from the coast as a hurricane is striking it. Your life is always worth more than your property, because only your life is irreplaceable.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Rooting for Catastrophe
Over sixteen million Americans served in the military to save the world during the Second World War. By the time the draft churned up in earnest for Americans to serve in Vietnam, there were numerous legal ways for young American men to be exempted from service, though the poor and uneducated found it difficult to escape the draft without fleeing to Canada. I have read that in our all-volunteer military less than two percent of Americans chose to serve. Yet, millions of chicken-hawks want America to fight just about everyone else in the world. They would never don the uniform of the country themselves, nor encourage their blood-relations to join up, but they are eager to have folks they don't know die for our country. I deplore what Red China is doing to Hong Kong (and incidentally to Tibet, the Fulan Gong, Muslims, Christians, and anyone else who does not instantly bow to the demands of the despotic government). I hate the fanatic mullahs in Iran who threaten the existence of Israel as well, but I recognize that these are not American fights. The worst thing the warmongers in the US can do is to tell people to pick a fight somewhere under the expectation that we will or even can help, and then leave those who are dying for our values to their own fate. We did this to an extent in Hungary in 1956, in the failed Bay of Pigs invasion, and again in 1968 to Czechoslovakia. Don't tell people you "have their back" in a fight to the death and then only offer to hold their coats.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Greater the Peril
Iran wants to create an arsenal of nuclear weapons to dominate the Middle East, threaten the world, and wipe out the Jewish State. Israel is ready to give the Islamic Republic nuclear weapons, but not in the way Iran wants. Israel has long had atomic weapons but has chosen not to use them unless the survival of the Jewish State is imperiled. Iran seeks to do just that- attack Israel in an effort at genocide. "Never again" is not a slogan in Israel. It is a steely determination to do whatever is necessary to do to overcome those who would try to destroy the Jewish people, accompanied by the military means to achieve that end.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Province of Girls
When I was in elementary school, boys did not play with dolls until the appearance of GI Joe and later the Six Million Dollar Man "action figures". Today, I sometimes see parents handing their boys Barbie dolls or even porcelain princesses. Somehow, I do not think the boys playing with toys previously enjoyed almost solely by girls are going to be growing up to be cowboys, lumberjacks, policemen, firefighters, soldiers, or pro football players. They are more likely to end up as hairdressers or interior designers.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Province of Boys
When I was growing up, many elementary school boys were fascinated with dinosaurs. I do not think many, if any girls at all, shared that interest in dinosaurs back then (the early seventies). I have a toddler daughter who absolutely adores dinosaurs. I do not know if it is cartoons, all the marketing around the Jurassic Park franchise, a combination of those, or something else, but she is fast becoming an expert on the creatures that roamed the earth millions of years before man. I am glad though that something has sparked an interest in learning.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Not Nuking Hurricanes
Over the years, scientists have sought ways to manipulate the weather. Some did ponder launching a nuclear weapon to break up a hurricane but quickly dismissed the idea, as it would almost certainly NOT stop the hurricane but cause it to spread massive amounts of radiation. The fake news claimed that President Trump wants to nuke hurricanes. The President denies this, and that is good enough for me.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Battle Fighter's Take
Those who have been in combat, suffered wounds, had comrades die in their arms, certainly never want to fight another war. Without freedom, you can not have true peace. You have slavery. The people of Hong Kong do not want to live on their knees. They are willing to fight against oppression by the Red Chinese. Israel may have to fight for survival against Iran. Neither of those fights involve America. When we were attacked on September 11,2001, that definitely became our fight. We can give moral support to the people of Hong Kong and Israel, but there is no need for American blood to be shed in these conflicts. When America or Americans are attacked directly, we must respond with force. We can not be the world's policeman or be involved with nation-building any longer. America first is not America only, but a compelling argument must prove we are under direct threat before we ever risk treasure or blood.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Trade War Victory
The trade war between the US and Red China could destroy both economies. In that event, everyone loses as worldwide recession if not outright economic depression would be sure to follow. A Phyrric victory in a trade war is almost as devastating as one in a shooting war.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Only for You
President Trump sought to give average Americans a voice in Washington. Trump does not care what the establishment demands. He is fighting for work-a-day Americans like no other politician ever has.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Not About Himself
President Trump does not really manifest hubris. He has an over-sized ego as is typical of anyone who seeks to lead. Trump did not campaign for self-aggrandizement, as he was already an internationally-known celebrity. Trump did not become President to grow rich. He already was a billionaire. Trump sought the nation's highest office to help the American people who Trump believed were getting a raw deal from the elites and previous leadership. Everything President Trump is doing has not been to improve his own lifestyle. It has been to improve yours.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Question of Loyalty
Long before the creation of the modern State of Israel, Jew-haters questioned the allegiance of Jews to their native lands. The Dreyfus Affair is a glaring example of how Jews were regarded as "disloyal" and conspiratorial. Bolshevism was often blamed on the Jews though Jews suffered as much as any group under the Communist regime. The Jew is rarely regarded as fully integrated in any country outside of Israel, and all too often considered the "other" to the extent that Jews are blamed for every societal ill. President Trump does not see Jews as foreign or hostile but as family. Trump has done more for the Jewish State than any other Gentile. Trump deserves a great deal of gratitude from Jews who love Zion, but is disappointed that many Jews place their attachment to left-wing causes above all else. Trump's statement about "loyalty" of Jews is different in scope and kind from the accusations of anti-Semites. The anti-Semite is driven by hatred, while President Trump by his actions, clearly demonstrates a deep and abiding love of the Jewish people.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Silent Majority
The resistance makes a lot of noise. Those who support President Trump have a lot more votes. The Trump-haters are disproportionately represented in the media. Almost everyone in the mainstream media displays open contempt for the President, which makes it seem ninety-plus percent of the people hate the fellow in the Oval Office. I think folks are afraid of the backlash they would be subjected to if they openly admit they back our President, but in the privacy of the voting booth, they are certain to vote for Trump.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Syria Versus Turkey
Syrian aircraft just attacked a Turkish column on Syrian territory near the border these countries share. The Syrians are trying to reassert control over part of the land that the Syrian regime claims has been occupied by terrorists. The Syrian Assad regime is evil incarnate on earth and is propped up by the equally bad Iran and the troublemaker Russia. Turkey's intentions are not entirely benevolent either, as the Turks want to crush Kurdish aspirations toward statehood. Turkey, being a NATO ally, could end up bringing in involvement by Western European military forces. The United States is already in Syria. The new fighting could spark a wider regional war or even a world war.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Standing Against Fascists
Watching the events in Portland, I have come to some conclusions. The Proud Boys are like the Minutemen of Lexington and Concord. They are standing up to protect the freedoms of speech and assembly that are enshrined in the US Constitution. They are fighting for our rights to think what we want and not be censored and bullied into a 1984 or Brave New World America. It is the so-called anti-fascists of Antifa who want to block gatherings and stop speech with which they disagree. Antifa is happy to visit violence on those with whom they disagree and ready to try to strip away our Constitutional rights.The Proud Boys are affirming liberty for all while Antifa seeks to steal our freedom. Antifa are the real fascists while the Proud Boys are true patriots.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Knives by Night
Every Jew knows what Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib are. They are the Cossacks coming for the pogrom. They are the SS goosestepping into the ghetto. Even Kapos like Bernie Sanders know what the objectives of these Jew-haters are. Sanders simply agrees with them as a Jew who like George Soros hates his own people. Omar and Tlaib do not want a homeland for the so-called Palestinian people. They want the land of the Jewish people erased from the face of the earth.
Friday, August 16, 2019
A Problem Customer?
The main issue I have with business today is that a customer with a problem has become "a problem customer". The tight labor market has exacerbated this because even a bad employee now seems more valuable than a good customer. "Now hiring" signs appear at virtually every business in my home town of Nashville. A business needs warm bodies to function, even if some of these employees turn out to be rude or incompetent. Customers, particularly in a tourist town, are a dime a dozen. An employee has to be quite the customer repellent to be fired here at the moment in Music City.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Do Rules Apply?
For your Prince Andrew and your Bill and Hillary, the laws that apply to you mean absolutely nothing. It is the folks unfortunate enough to know about the wrongdoing of these super-elite who seem to come to untimely ends. These people can do virtually anything without consequence. Some might say they can get away with murder. Some even claim they already have.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Calling on Britain
It is perhaps not remarkable that President Trump has not taken a harder stance against the brutal crackdown on the freedom-loving people of Hong Kong. Trump is trying to sustain an unprecedented level of prosperity in the United States and does not want to further spike the prices of imports to America from our largest source of consumer goods, after already pushing Red China in a tariff battle. President Trump is not going to wage a shooting war for a distant former British territory, so the people of Hong Kong have to seek other nations to support their struggle for liberty. Since Hong Kong was formerly a British Crown Colony until 1997, the silence of the United Kingdom in reaction to the crushing of dissent by the Red Chinese is somewhat mystifying. Boris Johnson could at least speak up to demand restraint of the part of the Communist thugs. No country seems to be willing to bleed for Hong Kong, but at least, some of the Western countries, particularly the UK, could speak up for freedom.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Calling Out Cuomo
A CNN anchor who almost no one watches and who is only on the air due to the fame and political success of his late father and his brother went wild after a minor insult. Chris Cuomo could not stand to face what conservative college students, who are not public figures, face every day. If Cuomo can not face scrutiny or criticism without blowing a gasket, perhaps he should retire from the public eye.
Monday, August 12, 2019
The Other Option
If President Trump goes along with restricting gun rights as I am certain he will, that does not mean we Constitutional conservatives are suddenly going to vote for the Democrat candidate for President or even the Libertarian choice. We may just sit out the election which will likely be enough to make the Democrat nominee our President rather than seeing Trump secure his second term. Anything that saps enthusiasm away from those who were formerly Trump's most fervent supporters is likely enough to see him lose his bid for reelection. By restricting our Second Amendment rights, Trump is forfeiting his second term.
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Trump's Mixed Bag
I love the fact that President Trump has cut taxes and regulation. I appreciate that Trump is trying to secure the border. I see the President is not eager to start new military adventures or expand old ones (though I realize some things are worse than war). I am in principle a free trader but recognize true free trade must be fair trade, so I stand with the President on tariffs. I hate the fact that the President has continued to expand Obama's uncontrolled debt. I am saddened that President Trump does not revere our natural rights the way Reagan did. I am alarmed that Trump is no Constitutional conservative but a populist or even a demagogue who is glad to shift from campaign pledges when popular opinion changes. I will vote for Donald Trump in 2020 because the Democrat Presidential candidates are open border socialists at this point. I knew Ted Cruz was the authentic conservative and the genuine backer of gun rights in the last Presidential primary and I voted for him, but gladly backed Trump over Hillary. I will do so again, albeit with some reservations when he wins his second term.
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Clinton Season Postponed
With the (predictable) death of Jeffrey Epstein, the Clintons skate yet again. A big fish will now never have the chance to rat out even bigger fish in the corruption that seems to follow Bill and Hillary like the aroma that hovers around a skunk. With the Clinton body count now approaching that of Murder, Inc., did anyone not see Epstein's demise coming?
Friday, August 9, 2019
Sharpening Their Blades
The Red Chinese are about to slake their thirst for blood when they roll their tanks over the freedom-loving people of Hong Kong. The Red tyrants are not bluffing. The PLA has only become more efficient at mass killing since the Tiananmen Massacre. They have had plenty of practice murdering Uyghurs trying to practice their faith and Fulan Gong members trying to exercise their conscience. Red Chinese troops are the angriest soldiers in the world knowing their chance of a marriage or even female companionship is slim because the long-standing one child policy the Communists imposed means young men vastly outnumber young women. This has left the Red army shock troops in a murderous rage that matches any fanaticism the world has ever faced. Unfortunately that hostility is not directed at the despots that caused the problems but against the outside world and any dissenters who try to point out the flaws and awful conduct of the Beijing regime.
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Red Chinese Friends
Our affordable imports from our Communist Chinese friends include drywall that will harm us and our children, toothpaste with antifreeze in it, chicken pet treats toxic enough to kill the animals that consume them, and enough Fentanyl to kill everyone in the United States if we were dumb enough or desperate enough to take it. Thanks China for all these great bargains. We could not live without- check that- with these Red China made goods.
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Murderous Trade Cheats
The Red Chinese regime is tyrannical and uses convict labor as vicious as any slavery ever visited on earth. The Red Chinese regime manipulates currency. The Red Chinese steal industrial secrets on a scale greater than any other country. The Red Chinese produce pollution so massive that it endangers not only those that have to breathe it but the ecosystem of the whole planet. The Red Chinese produce consumer goods that kill our pets and very likely damage our health. The Red Chinese are fostering the production and distribution of opioids that have killed tens of thousands. The Red Chinese regime crushes dissent and aspirations for freedom with mass murder. The Red Chinese regime throttles the free exercise of conscience and religious practice, destroying churches, torturing and murdering Falun Gong members, and imprisoning Muslims in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, in concentration camps, where some are outright murdered. If you love the Chinese people, pray for a speedy end to the Red Chinese regime.
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Wars to Wage
If you must wage a trade war or a shooting war, it is absolutely necessary to win. You can not fight with half measures if your economy, your freedom, or your lives are at stake. You must be as ruthless as necessary to prevail. Red China and Iran demonstrate every moment that they are not constrained by morality or even humanity. The United States has to utterly defeat these malign forces of oppression and evil for our own survival and so that liberty does not perish from this earth.
Monday, August 5, 2019
No Possible Justification
Anyone who murders the innocent has consigned themselves to eternal fire. They may come up with excuses for the slaughter, but nothing they say mitigates their evil. They must be punished swiftly and with certainty to deter anyone who might try to duplicate their awful actions.
Sunday, August 4, 2019
"Dark Psychic Force"
Marianne Williamson is likely right that a "dark psychic force" has been unleashed on America. I think she is dead wrong that the source is President Trump. Lies that man-caused climate change give us twelve or maybe only ten years to save the earth cause great distress, especially among people teetering on the edge of instability. Race hustlers like Al Sharpton and all the Democrat candidates pushing for "reparations" divide us even more. Donald Trump has done nothing but try to bring America together while others try to rouse us against each other so much that we are at each other's throats.
Saturday, August 3, 2019
Or Maybe Not
America has enjoyed unprecedented prosperity because of President Trump. He has fought headwinds never before experienced by any US President. Not only have the courts, the media, and the opposition party done all they can to obstruct the Trump agenda, many members of his own party have secretly or even openly tried to thwart Trump as well. Even the man that President appointed to run the Federal Reserve seems bent on making sure Trump does not win reelection. Until the end of this trading week, the markets withstood all of the tactics the anti-Trumpers employed to knock US stocks down. Then the Fed Chairman had to open his mouth in a way to break Trump by crashing our markets. Alan Greenspan or even Paul Volcker would never have interfered in politics in such a blatant way. I have said recently that the US was enjoying an unprecedented recovery. That resurgence may well be over because of Jerome Powell's devastating remarks.
Friday, August 2, 2019
A Successful Merger
"Scientists" are about to create a human-rat hybrid, according to a story linked on Drudge. I would contend that combination already exists in large numbers. The hybridized creature walking among us is called a "politician".
Thursday, August 1, 2019
A New Tiananmen
As Red China gathers the forces to massacre the freedom-loving people of Hong Kong, the world sits silent. Great Britain, who held Hong Kong as a crown colony, is cowed by the Communist superpower. America, already in a trade war with the Reds, is quiescent. Even Taiwan, which is constantly is under the threat of the Reds invading to steal their freedom as well, is not pledging any real support to contain the threat from Beijing. Only the people of Hong Kong themselves stand against the onslaught of tyranny and alone they have no chance against the might arrayed against them.
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