Sunday, August 16, 2015

What Lives Matter

To the abortion industry, innocent human life is not so sacred. To the citizens of certain areas of Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, and now Baltimore, lip-service is paid to "black lives matter" while the black-on-black murder rate soars. Some suggest more gun control is the answer to the urban slaughter. Gun control will not slow the pace of the homicides as almost none of them are committed by people who legally own the murder weapon. A war on poverty will not end the killing spree. FDR and LBJ poured billions into poverty programs and Obama has only increased the dole, but that massive spending has not vanquished poverty. In fact, by banishing the father from the welfare home, the government has actually exacerbated crime. I believe all innocent life matters and that the best way to combat urban decline is to push for unified families.

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