Tuesday, August 4, 2015

A Democrat First

Many supporters of Israel are counting on Jewish New York Democrat Chuck Schumer to vote against the Iran deal. I have no such optimism. If his vote is consequential to the outcome, Schumer will always vote with his party and Barack Hussein Obama. If it is clear that Democrats have enough votes to uphold a Presidential veto, and Schumer's vote is not needed, he may vote alongside Republicans. If there is no way Obama's veto will stand, Schumer may stand with Israel. If Schumer's vote is the difference between Israel winning (which actually advances peace and stability) or Obama winning (which gives Obama a signal achievement he thinks burnishes his legacy), Schumer is definitely going to sell out his coreligionists in favor of his President. In doing so, history will judge Schumer and his master Obama made the world less safe and actually caused Israel to have to attack Iran to preempt nuclear destruction at the hands of the mad mullahs.

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