Sunday, January 12, 2014

Willpower Versus Firepower

The most powerful nation to exist, the only nation to put a man on the moon, finds itself locked in a death struggle with a band of fanatics that want to take the world back to the seventh century, and in Iraq, and increasingly even Afghanistan, the atavists are winning. The only reason America can not defeat the Muslim extremists is that we lack the will to win. Our national policy leaders are casualty averse, even when those deaths are on the other side. Let some village in Pakistan show a dead child to the world media, and claim a drone killed the "innocent" and our human rights ninnies pitch a fit. Do they not realize, that unless they are Sunni fundamentalists, the people that the do-gooders are speaking up for would gladly cut their heads off with a dull knife? When the jihadists say they "love death more than the infidel loves life", they are not kidding.

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