Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Bilgewater Brigade

Our main stream media is working with almost all our national politicians to keep the truth from us- to shield us from the horrible reality in which America's leaders are trapping us. The almost incalculable Federal debt is hardly ever mentioned. The level of brutality in the Middle East and Mexico is rarely brought up on the dinosaur television networks. We are told to welcome immigrants while being kept oblivious to the violence and disease they bring with them. It is seldom the professional class of Mexico coming here but those who could not succeed and make a life for themselves in their own country. Why should we give them a chance to fail here and become dependent on the already broken welfare state? America can not support our pension obligations, can not pay for Obamacare, and does not need eleven million (or more likely forty million) more dole dwellers who can not make themselves understood in English and have no desire to assimilate into what has been traditional American culture. To our amnesty-pushing politicians and their media mouthpieces: You have not fooled us and we will judge you by your actions.

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