Thursday, October 11, 2012

Biden Stands Up

US Vice President Joe Biden will have the chance tonight to reclaim some momentum for the Barack Hussein Obama reelection campaign. Often the former Delaware Senator has been afflicted with foot in mouth disease to accompany his diagnosis of sparking class envy and big government liberalism. It will be interesting to watch a bumbling statist try to defend Obama administration Leftism. Joe Biden's opponent is no lightweight. Paul Ryan is on the leading edge of the conservative reformers who are trying to save our nation. If I were to handicap the debate, I say the debate moderator, Martha Raddatz, a dinosaur media Democrat flack, will do all she can to keep Biden's head above water, but that will not be the deciding factor, as our current Vice President is trying to sell old stale ideas that have only made America worst since the days of FDR.

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