Sunday, May 15, 2011

Israel's Borders Erupt

To deflect the world's attention from their own campaigns of unmitigated brutality unleashed on their own freedom-seeking people, Iran and blood-soaked Syria orchestrated Nakba Day border incursions into the Jewish State by willing dupes from Palestinian refugee camps brought by buses provided by Hizbollah, the Iran proxy in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza, which is now also in Tehran's camp. This invasion is meant to divert the world's scrutiny from the increasingly unrestrained violence that Bashar Assad is using to subjugate his restive populace. Undoubtedly, Israel will be condemned for her actions of self-defense by many nations that consistently use more force to suppress the natural yearning for liberty among their own people, but hypocrisy and Jew-hatred are nothing new and Israel will have to predicate her actions on protecting her own citizens without regard for what those who wish the Jewish State never existed say against them.

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