Friday, May 6, 2011

Clash of Civilizations

The war on terror has never existed, what is actually being fought is a war between the forces of freedom and benighted, nihilistic expansionist political Islam, and this fight sadly did not end with Osama bin Laden's death. Terror was simply the tactic of choice and necessity employed by those who required asymmetry to do damage to those with large and powerful conventional forces. So long as even a small percentage of those practicing a religion with more than one billion adherents cling to an ethos of superiority over other faiths and feel divinely called to spread their way of thinking by the sword, no accommodation will ever be reached with them. An idea prevails in large sectors of the Western elite that if Israel is served up to the mercies of the Muslim world now, Islam will finally be appeased. This is wrong, wrong-headed sophistry that will seal defeat for the West. If Israel is forced to relinquish her heartland, radical Muslims will say this vindicates the use of terror, will rally millions more currently uncommitted Muslims to the cause of jihad, and be the recipe for the undoing of Europe which will be transformed from a largely peaceful, secular continent with Christian roots into a battlefield with combat between deeply religiously convicted Muslims and those who will still have the gumption to resist a religiously imposed tyranny. Selling out the Jews once again and putting the clamps to Israel will not further global peace but trigger unimaginable carnage.

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