Saturday, April 30, 2011

Trump's True Colors

I do not watch Donald Trump's television programs but the more I know of him the less I like. In the first instance, what I have heard of his political positions reflect a protectionist and a jingoist full of braggadocio. Then there was the thought that Trump was not serious about running for the Presidency and only attempting to boost the ratings for his "Celebrity Apprentice" NBC show. Trump's persona began to disturb me early on when he said he got along well with "the blacks" sounding more like the character Archie Bunker from the 1970s CBS show All in the Family than a candidate for any office today. Then Trump's performance in Las Vegas capped the conclusion for me- Donald Trump is not running for any public office- or even he would have had the discretion not to drop the "f-bomb" a number of times in a speech. Mr. Trump is a shameless self-promoter and opportunist playing current political discontent in the United States for all that it is worth to advance himself personally with no consideration whatsoever for the fate of America.

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