Sunday, April 3, 2011

Provocation or Pretext

Did the burning of a single Koran by an American pastor with a few dozen followers really cause murder and butchery half way around the globe? I would contend that it did not. Afghanistan is the most illiterate nation on earth. The congregation of the local mosque does not explore world events on their own but under the influence of the imam or mullah. In this event, a story that only received so much attention in Afghanistan because President Hamid Karzai railed against the Koran destruction, the local Islamic clerics in the city of the massacre wildly exaggerated the desecration in Florida, falsely claiming"hundreds of Korans were burned". This was deliberately done to inflame the passions of the mob. If an imam would stir up and incite a massacre, would it be beyond him to simply fabricate a provocation to achieve the same evil end? With a simmering combination of atavistic, misogynistic, fanatic seething illiterates being led by a religious authority that despises "infidels" in general and the West, America, and Israel in particular, it is a wonder that more such outrages do not occur against those who have reached out from abroad to help the Afghan people. Unrepentant raging savages should be carpet bombed.

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