Saturday, October 23, 2010

Iron Pyrite President

America was sold on a golden notion, something shining and new in the 2008 Presidential election. Otto von Bismarck was termed the "Iron Chancellor" for his spine of steel, his grasp of diplomacy, and his use of realpolitik. Bismarck was admired by his friends and feared by his enemies with great justification. Barack Hussein Obama is surely not made of sterner stuff and there is hardly a vague gleaning that remains of what was proffered in the promise of the Presidential campaign. There is no substance to the words assuring that unemployment would never surpass eight percent (8%)- that pipe dream vanished a few million jobless back. Racial reconciliation so longed for in many quarters and an essential selling point of "hope and change" went out the window as Professor "Skip" Gates broke in his own Cambridge door raising suspicions of anxious neighbors that caused them to summon the now infamous officer who Obama verbally attacked though admitting to not knowing the whole story to show our President was anything but a peace maker on matters black and white. As far as America standing with friends under Obama, ask Great Britain about the return of the Churchill bust, the sell out to Argentina on the Falklands by the Obama US Department of State under Hillary, the coming abandonment of Iraq to the tender mercies of Iran, the betrayal of the people of Afghanistan displayed by US willingness to start talks with their atavist Taliban former and quite possibly future oppressors, and of course, the astonishing serving up of Israel to the genocidal forces that surround her in the name of appeasement. If your hope was for a thriving private sector, Obama is changing us into a central planning, control economy with every aspect of our lives from our car buying decisions to our health care destiny determined by bureaucrats. To us they will be faceless, nameless, and unanswerable. We are in the final hours of being able to halt the slide. Vote those who are siding with Obama's assaults on liberty and self-determination out this November or by the next election America as we have loved her may be past saving. We were sold a bill of goods that what we were purchasing with Obama was gold when time has borne out that what we bought for our money (and oh so much of it in taxes and deficit spending as far as the eye can see) is a great hunk of iron pyrite, pretty to look at but in its essence- worthless.

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