Friday, October 8, 2010

Department of Destruction

In the pantheon of the Presidential wrecking crew, I coined the mythic employment eradication czar yesterday which is in addition to my previously mentioned Department of Miseducation (good for indoctrination but for comprehensive instruction on the basics not so much), and am wrapping the Federal non-entities that sadly seem very real though they may not exist in corporeal form, into the Department of Destruction which though it is not a budget item in any omnibus bill may have more power at the moment than the Department of Defense. This newly initiated fiction of the Department of Destruction can be seen at work depriving California farmers of water which destroys their crops and livelihoods in favor of preserving an insectoid fish. The Department of Destruction can be observed without too much difficulty using its disinformation office to artificially tamp down jobless numbers and create the impression more jobs have been created than there actually are. High on the target list of the Department of Destruction is wealth creation. There will be none of that here (at least not from free market capitalism, crony capitalism and corporate welfare are alive and well and tort lawyers are thriving). The Department of Destruction is hard at work trying to take your medical destiny away from you and place it in the hands of unanswerable bureaucrats. All in all, this new phenomenon of a pooka Department of Destruction does not confine itself to any building but is becoming a real and all encompassing threat to wealth, health, freedom, and jobs. Let us just hope that in November the Department finds it has a very short tenure.

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