Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Genuine Article

On these pages, I have exercised the chance to articulate much of what I oppose. I now welcome the opportunity to declare someone who I am for- Lonnie Spivak for US Congress, to unseat Obama rubber stamp Jim Cooper, who no longer holds Tennessee values or his constituents' interests dear. Lonnie Spivak is the candidate that best represents the original principles of the Founding Fathers, a family man and common sense conservative, who recognizes smaller government means more freedom and wants to end the free spending D.C. orgy and return the US to the path of fiscal sanity. Lonnie has had enough of politicians going to Washington to become entrenched and ossified in self-perpetuating incumbency, no Robert Byrds for Tennessee, and Lonnie favors sensible term limits. Spivak reflects and represents all that is good about Tennessee. Let us send him to Washington to help return the country to one that Washington, Adams, and Jefferson would recognize, not one where Jim Cooper pretends to serve us while helping Barack Obama become our master. Vote Lonnie Spivak

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