Friday, March 19, 2010

Fudge the Number

Questions abound about the supposedly non-partisan Congressional Budget Office's scoring of the hell care plan. It seems amazing that it came in nicely under the magic one trillion dollar mark at just over 940 billion dollars over ten years as its projected cost. Many analysts project that it could easily be three times that as so many previous Federal programs have had costs metastasize and the CBO could only score the bill based on a double counting of costs previously projected to be incurred by Medicare that are now termed cost-saving as they are shunted into this new plan. The cuts will likely never occur due to righteous outrage among seniors and even if they do, the money will be spent on the new plan anyway, so there is no real reduction, merely a redirection of Federal spending. Either way the dollars are yanked from taxpayers or borrowed (from abroad or leveraged from the US Treasury borrowing from itself in a corruption known as monetization). The CBO's projected deficit reduction is therefore a bad joke, a fraud or hoax perpetrated against the unwary taxpayer, citizen, and voter. I am highly skeptical of the assumptions, accuracy, and even the independence of the Congressional Budget Office as it is being used as a tool of the Left to foist hell care on the public. Of course, the CBO can only work with the numbers and assumptions with which it is provided and look at the great integrity and wonderful honesty of the political echelon led by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid as they push this tack.

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