Friday, March 5, 2010

Down with Privacy

The Obama administration is awfully concerned with cyber-security, so concerned in fact that they intend to use the National Security Agency and a program benignly known as Einstein to examine all Internet traffic including the contents of every e-mail, but have no fear- the government assures us that they will use anonymizers to protect the privacy of the citizenry. There has not been to this point a great hue and cry amongst privacy advocates as there was constantly when the last George Bush was President. There is a simple yet compelling reason that the privacy activists are not up in arms, most are merely poseurs, leftists who were using privacy as a brickbat to bludgeon Bush. Now that their fellow traveler occupies the Oval Office, these rights champions could not care a wit less that Obama who does not share Bush's values about the significance of individual rights but rather is concentrating on the collective and of course enhancing and permanently entrenching his own power and that of his cadres. Dread naught, folks in the heartland, Obama has got your back (and your wallet and soon control of your medical destiny). Enjoy.

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