Thursday, October 23, 2008

Voter Suppression Efforts

Democrats allege systematic attempts by Republicans to thwart the turnout of black voters. Blacks have indeed been blocked from voting by Orval Faubus, George Wallace, Bull Connors-all Democrats. In the last two elections, the Democratic party has gone out of its way to contest military ballots cast abroad figuring correctly that those serving the country in uniform would largely vote against them. Ohio's Secretary of State has thrown roadblocks up to Republican absentee balloting while going all the way to the US Supreme Court to open the voting booths to 200,000 of the 600,000 new registrants whose names, addresses, and social security numbers did not match assuring that many fraudulent votes will count. Would that there were real literacy tests in the lingua franca of the nation for voters and a requirement for the ownership of real property. That way only engaged stakeholders rather than semi-or illiterate parasites who know enough to vote for the party that will expand their cut of the dole would be able to determine our futures. This, of course, will never happen.

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