Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Bestiality Boys

Obama has derived tremendous support from the homosexual community. David Geffen is a backer. Quark founder Tim Gill and Geffen are attempting to subvert the traditional morality of the nation. It is not that America is not already tolerant of alternative lifestyles. Americans of all political stripes are inundated with pornography on their televisions and through their internet connections. We are force-fed a diet of programs which would have produced obscenity convictions fifty years ago. Most people care not a wit what consenting adults do in privacy but to place the imprimatur of the state on homosexual marriage and adoption, to place gay-friendly curricula as early as preschool, and to force religious organizations to hire people who openly flaunt their profligate relations is demented. Ultimately, like Hebrew National, America will have to answer to a higher power.

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